Though prostitution is illegal in most states of the US, it's
not uncommon. Some people started "S*x Workers Outreach Project" in order to protect the rights of escorts as well as their communities. As a result, Kirsten DiAngelo from this project argues that a large number of escorts in America do
not have a way to make a living anymore. Previously, allowed escorts to post bad date lists, screen punters and discuss with other escorts so as to make sure that they can have safer and better experiences. Nonetheless, currently is
not on the market anymore, so lots of escorts can only work on the street cluelessly.
Besides, a lot of NGOs, government officials and legal experts even claim that
free speech is probably threatened after Backpage is seized. Apart from that, experts point out that shutting down could increase the crime rate: if countless guys
cannot get what they desire, they may commit crimes like rape. Further, as
not every
guy has good game, many men
cannot get what they desire sexually. Hence, these men probably have to lie to ladies so as to get laid, e.g., they possibly need to tell ladies that they're interested in relationships. In this way, clueless women may sleep with them. In this case, "pump and dump" becomes more commonplace.