1. What is YesBackpage? Answer: It is the latest replacement of Backpage which has been shut down. You can find escorts on this site.
2. Is YesBackpage good? Answer: It's actually legitimate, but I
wouldn't say it's great.
3. Is YesBackpage safe? Answer: It's reasonably safe as long as you use your brains when you join this site.
4. Why do escorts on this website prefer texting rather than talking on the phone? Answer: Texting is more convenient. For instance, when an escort is waiting in a queue / line or sitting on a bus, she
can't talk to you on the phone, so texting is handier and more practical.
5. Why does this website exist? Answer: Because Backpage was wildly popular and successful, it is clear that this niche is lucrative – it's probably
not an optional industry. Now Backpage is gone, so someone came up with an alternative website to cater for the needs of escorts and their clients.
6. Why should we support this website? Answer: You only need to support this website if you believe that
this service is helpful. There is
no obligation. Many people would argue that a website like this makes the society more stable and safer, as when a lot of men can find company online via a website like this, the society becomes more peaceful and harmonious.
7. Why shouldn't we use this website? Answer: If you can get laid via other dating sites or apps that
don't feature prostitution, you will be able to save a lot of money. In that case, you'd better avoid using something like YesBackpage.