1) Registration is totally free.
2) There are so many providers for you to choose.
3) There are
more women than
men on this website!
4) Technically, you
don't need to create an account in order to visit USASexGuide and its forum, but if you want to see a member's photos, post something and
chat with other people, you have to be a registered member.
5) If you'd like to delete your account, please contact their customer support team so that they will deactivate your account for you.
6) There are four kinds of membership: A)
Unverified members who
can't access the most useful features of the website; B)
standard members who can use all features on the site; C)
senior members who have created at least 25 posts and have been an active member for more than half a year – these members are able to enjoy extra features; D)
unmoderated members who have been on the site for more than one year and compiled some posts based on the T's & C's of the website – their posts
don't go through USASexGuide's moderation process.
7) Create posts and upload reports.
8) Recommend new topics for new posts.
9) Communicate with other members.
10) Exchange contact info with other users.
11) Join group chats and online meetings.
12) Share ads.
13) Search reports based on the category, e.g., webcams, adult toys, and so forth.
14) Select webcams as well as escorts options.
15) Hire escorts.
16) Advanced search allows you to search posts by preferences, city, state, and so on.
17) The escort forum gives you all the exciting things to read and enjoy.
18) Though you need to give the website your email address when you create an account, your email address is
not shared with anyone else.